I - Introduction
As early as 1606 the Dutch probed
the St Lawrence River in search of
furs, in defiance of the French
monopoly. In that year, the ship
Witteleeuw captured two French
vessels and took quantities of whale
oil, guns and codfish from Spanish
and Portuguese ships.1
More legitimate Dutch enterprises
also began in North America during
that period. On July 26th, 1610,
Arnout Vogels from Amsterdam
chartered a ship called de Hoope in
response to discoveries made by
Henri Hudson for the Dutch the year
before. Vogels was involved in the
fur trade with Russia but had been
denied access to the trade with New
He tried to circumvent the French
monopoly by trading with the I
Indians directly via the newly
discovered Hudson River and by
establishing a partnership with two
French merchants, who could trade
with New France as the de Mont
monopoly had lapsed in January 1609
and trade was now open to all
Frenchmen. Thus began both
competition and cooperation between
Dutch and French fur trade interests
in North America. Other Dutch
traders followed soon. Lambert van
Tweenhuysen established trading
companies to get the valuable beaver
and otter pelts, while Adriaen Block
not only traded furs, but also did
important cartographic work along
the New England coast.3
It was risky to trade with North
America. Adventures could be very
profitable but could also end in
financial disaster. Only large stock
companies had the finances to
establish fortifications and to
settle people permanently. Instead
of the one-ship mobile trading post,
which would barter with the Indians
as soon as the ice would break up
and would sail as soon as the ship
was loaded with furs, a permanent
settlement with year-round trading
staff could extend exploration
throughout the summer and fall. That
way remote tribes could be
Such large companies were also in a
better position to secure monopolies
from the Dutch government to limit
risks and receive better profits. On
January 1, 1615 a monopoly was given
to the New Netherland Company which
would last till December 31st, 1617.
In 1618, trade with the colony was
thrown open and competition between
the New Netherland Company and
independent traders was vigorous.
On June 3, 1621 the West India
Company was incorporated. It was for
that time a tremendous enterprise.
Established primarily to harass
Spanish shipping through piracy, the
company was also active for some
years in Brazil and was given a
monopoly to trade with all of North
Although financed on a much larger
scale than the earlier companies,
the West India Company still had to
face the same four basic problems of
the New Netherland fur trade: (1 )
establish regular shipping with New
Netherland, (2) contact as many
Indian tribes as possible (3) induce
them to hunt, and (4) try and sell
the furs on the European market.4
The raison d'etre for the W.l.C. for
being in North America was trade and
not settlement or empire building.
In this respect, Dutch activity in
North America was similar to that of
the French, but contrasted sharply
with British policies in New
England, and specially in Virginia
where serious attempts were made to
establish permanent colonies.5
It is difficult to establish if the
W.l.C. made much of a profit in
North America. Poor local
administration, constant
interlopers, encroachment by the
British, and the many conflicts with
the Indians along the Lower Hudson,
made management costly.6
In 1639 poor trade results caused
the abandonment of the West India
Company monopoly, but goods
continued to be transported in
W.l.C. ships.7
Although major settlement was
not the aim of the West India
Company, some form of trading post
was nevertheless necessary. As early
as 1614 the New Netherland Company
established a trading fort on an
island in the Hudson River, several
leagues south of the mouth of the
Mohawk River where it joins the
Hudson. It was called Fort van
Nassoueen.8 It
wasn't much, a small redoubt,
surrounded by a moat and protected
with two cast iron pieces and eleven
light cannon. The garrison consisted
of ten to twelve men.9
The island was, however, subject to
flooding and soon a new fort had to
be built. it was called Oranje,
today's Albany. By 1624 some Dutch
and Walloon families had settled
around the fort.
In 1630, Kiliaen van Rensselaer
bought a domain surrounding Fort
Oranje and called it Rensselaerwyck.
Although the patroon of the estate,
he never came to the colony himself
and instead controlled his estate
through members of his family. His
major aim was to develop an
agriculturally based colony with
additional income from the fur
The domain grew very slowly and van
Rensselaer blamed the policies of
the West Indian Company for this. As
a director of the W.l.C., van
Rensselaer had hoped for a more
generous patroonship, but by the
time he bought his estate,
directorship of the W.l.C. had
shifted toward those who wanted to
strengthen the monopoly of the
company and van Rensselaer had to
accept a much less generous deal in
terms of free trade.10
Over the years Rensselaerwyck
received more settlers, but if New
Amsterdam (New York) could be called
a "molehill"", the settlement around
Fort Oranje was even smaller.11
In 1646, Father Isaac Jogues, who
had been ransomed by the Dutch from
the Mohawks, wrote that Fort Oranje
was nothing but a "wretched little
fort, built with logs with four or
five pieces of cannon of Breteuil
and as many swivels."12
He further mentioned that the van
Rensselaer colony was "composed of a
hundred persons, who reside along
the river, as each one found it most
convenient... All their houses are
merely boards and thatched. As yet
there is no mason work, except in
the chimneys. The forests furnishing
large pines, they make boards by
means of their mills. Trade is free
to all, this gives the Indians all
things cheap, each of the Hollanders
outbidding his neighbour and being
satisfied provided he can gain some
little profit."13
Other settlers lived isolated on
their farms, scattered over the
immense hilly estate. In 1635 only
five farms had been cleared.
Poor trade results, caused by the
many Indian wars during the 1630's
and 40's, poor crop years, and
disastrous floods, as well as the
uncertainty of possession after the
British conquest of New Netherland
in 1664, kept the van Rensselaer
family in North America from
prosperity. Only after the 1740's
did the family do better.
The rest of the settlers were
considerably less well off than the
van Rensselaers.14
During the seventeenth century, the
Dutch settlement around Fort Oranje
was thus small and not very
prosperous. The settlement on the
Upper Hudson River was far away from
New Amsterdam, physically as well as
politically, as fur trade interest
frequently conflicted with the more
agricultural pursuits of the
settlers along the Lower Hudson.
Even when the colony changed hands
in 1664, only the names of the towns
changed, the political relationships
remained the same.15
II - Dutch-lndian Relationships
Relations between the Dutch and the
Indians were realistic. Each side
knew that it needed the other. The
Dutch around Fort Oranje had come
primarily to trade and although
Kiliaen van Rensselaer had bought
his estate from the defeated
Mahicans in 1630, it was not until
1661 that Arent van Curler actually
bought land from the Mohawk.16
Trade was the bond that kept
Iroquois and Dutch together.
Although personal and racial
animosities did flare up, trade
interests always ensured that
conflicts were kept to a minimum.
The first and last major conflict
with the Mohawks had occurred in
1626 when commander Crieckenbeeck
had involved himself in the
Mohawk-Mahican war, paying with his
life for it. The Mohawks had later
apologized for the killings, stating
that they had never injured whites
before and asked "the reason why the
latter had meddled with them; had it
been otherwise, they would not have
acted as they had."17
This was just so much diplomatic
language, as the Mohawks knew very
well why the Dutch had meddled in a
conflict which had been caused by
the Mohawk aim of monopolising the
fur trade with the Dutch and Mahican
unwillingness to give the Mohawks
free passage to Fort Oranje.18
By 1628, the Mohawks had driven the
Mohicans from the region and thus
established a trade pattern that
would last a long time. The Dutch
would have preferred to deal with as
many tribes as possible, playing one
against the other and keeping prices
low. Now they had to deal with the
Mohawks only. The Dutch did not like
this development at all and made
efforts to break up the peace
between Mohawks, French and northern
Algonquian tribes.19
The Mohawks imposed themselves upon
the Dutch as sole middlemen, and
tried at the same time to establish
friendly relations with the French.
The Mohawks did not have much of a
choice. As a result of the
increasing strength of their
Algonquian neighbours, as well as
the Iroquoian Hurons, they were
threatened with encirclement and
lock-out from the important European
trade. In an all-out effort they had
driven the Mahicans away, having
first made sure in 1624 that their
northern flank with the French had
been secured in a peace treaty.20
The settlers were numerically at the
mercy of the Mohawks, but the I
Indians needed European trade goods.
Thus the Dutch had little to fear
from the Mohawks, but were
repeatedly in conflict with those
Indians along the lower banks of the
Hudson River who saw the Dutch
taking their land. The inhabitants
of the northern villages needed the
Mohawks to protect them against
these "River Indians" who belonged
to the Algonquian group of Indian
tribes and who saw the Dutch as
allies of their traditional enemies,
the Mohawks.
The conflict between the Mohawks and
the Mahicans lasted well into the
1660's. The wars with the Esopus
Indians were the result of the inept
policies of the Dutch government in
New Amsterdam. The Dutch in Fort
Oranje knew that the fault was with
their compatriots and made every
effort to pleas the Mohawks hoping
that they could prevent a "common
front" between Iroquois and
Algonquian tribes against them.21
Peace between the various Indian
tribes along the Hudson River did
not come until 1671.22The
settlers in Fort Oranje would have
preferred an earlier peace but
Jeremiah van Renssalaerwyck was not
that independent from New York.23
The problem the French had was that
by maintaining friendship with the
Mohawks, they would alienate the
Algonquians as well as the Hurons.
Peace between the Iroquois and the
Algonquians threatened diversion of
the fur trade from Quebec to Fort
Oranje. Thus a peace within the
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region
would be beneficial for the Mohawks
if furs would flow to Fort Oranje
from as many Indian tribes as
possible, with them as sole
The other Iroquois tribes preferred
peace as long as they could trade
with the Dutch and the French, but
they resented Mohawk dominance.
Peace would be beneficial to the
French as long as they could keep
control over their alliance with the
Hurons and prevent furs from flowing
to the Hudson.
Obviously with so many contradictory
aims, lasting peace was almost
impossible to achieve, although all
sides realized that wars seriously
interfered with the fur trade.
The Mohawks and the Dutch realized,
however, that they had everything to
lose and nothing to gain by
hostilities between them. "The two
races regarded each other less often
as corn thieves, trespassers, or
Indian givers, than as sources of
economic prosperity; what they
though of each other personally was
beside the point."24
The arrival of the e Europeans had a
profound effect on the Indians in
the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region
and it provided the Iroquois with a
timely opportunity to make the most
of their accidental geographic
The Iroquois Confederacy had not
started out as a mighty military
machine. The Konoshioni, or Long
House People, had been a
hunter-subsistence agricultural
society with a strong hunter-warrior
tradition. They had been a small,
relatively unobtrusive people, who
had been driven from their
territories by Huron and Algonquian
tribes. Instead of preventing the
rise of a mighty Iroquois nation, as
Parkman and other romantic
historians have maintained,25
the arrival of the Europeans offered
the Iroquois a golden opportunity,
which they used astutely and not as
pawns of European powers.
The Iroquois Confederacy should not
be exaggerated and did not really
come into effective existence until
after the 1630's, as the Iroquois
were still fending for themselves on
an individual tribal basis.26
Each one of the five nations
continued to do so to a large degree
even after that date and the Jesuit
Relations, as well as the documents
from the Dutch and English in New
York, are full of incidents showing
that conflicts would flare up
frequently between the five nations,
mostly caused by differences over
the fur trade and the Mohawk
dominance of that trade.27
For instance, Stuyvesant found it
necessary to warn the Senecas not
use Dutch gunpowder against the
Mohawks.28 Even
when, late in the seventeenth
century, the Seneca were struggling
against encroachment by the
Susquehannocks they had to fight
their battles without the support of
their Iroquois brethren. The best
that can be said about the
Confederacy is that it prevented
III - The Indian Wars and the
Position of the Dutch
The arrival of European guns had a
profound effect on inter-tribal
relations. Whereas earlier warfare
was conducted with stone-age
weaponry, the use of guns changed
the casualty level considerably. M
much has been made of the Dutch role
in supplying guns to the Iroquois.
Many arguments are based on the
Jesuit Relations and other French
sources which cannot be called
unbiased. The Fathers tended to see
the French point of view, and
explained events in religious rather
than in socioeconomic terms.30
Documents show that the Dutch were
not selling arms during the
Crieckenbeeck incident in 1626.31
William Bradford reported in 1628,
however, that the French did sell
weapons to the Indians.32
Most probably, some illegal sales by
interlopers did occur on both sides.
On March 31, 1639 the Dutch colonial
government issued an ordinance which
included a penalty of death as
punishment for selling muskets,
powder, or lead to the Indians.33
However, this was primarily enforced
in view of the hostile attitudes of
the Indians along the Lower Hudson
River. In the northern parts of the
colony control was much more
difficult. The supply of guns to the
Iroquois from Dutch sources
increased considerably after the
West Indian Company gave up its
trade monopoly, as independent
traders were hard to police.
When on J June 5,1641 a group of
Mohawks arrived at Trois Rivieres to
try and make peace once again with
the French, the Indians had 36
musketeers, "who were as skilful as
the French."34

In 1642, Mohawks captured a party of
Hurons accompanying Father Jogues.
These Mohawks also carried muskets,
which the French claimed had been
obtained from the Dutch.35
In 1643, Father Jogues reported that
the Mohawks had 300 muskets,36
while in 1644, the Dutch Reverend
Megapolensis (van Grootstede)
mentions that the Dutch sold muskets
to the Mohawks.37
De Vries, in "Voyages from Holland
to America A.D. 1632-1644",
estimates that there were 400 guns
among the Iroquois. He also reports
that control was difficult and
politically unwise as the English,
Swedes, and French were selling
guns.38 Besides,
the Indians were operating well
outside any laws set by Europeans
and were pursuing their own aims.
The Mohawks needed and demanded
firearms and ammunition. If the
Dutch wouldn't sell the Indians
would go elsewhere.39
Still the Dutch would impose
restrictions and then relax them,
all depending on perceived Indian
threats and settler demands.
Stuyvesant was afraid of weapons
supply to the Mohawks, whom he
considered to be a "vain-glorious,
proud and bold tribe", already too
arrogant after their victories over
the Hurons and the French. To depend
on them would make the Dutch
"contemptible in the eyes of the
other tribes", while the Mohawks
themselves would become more
demanding. "It is therefore safer to
stand on our own feet as long as
But neither the Dutch nor the
Mohawks had much choice after the
early 1640's, when the fur bearing
animals in Iroquois territory had
been hunted close to extinction.
Either the Mohawks would get a share
of the Huron French trade, or they
had to expand westward themselves.
The Dutch fur traders realized this
very well and knew that they had to
supply the Mohawks and other
Iroquois tribes with guns to enable
them to do so.41

The French, although they had a
policy not to sell arms to "heathen
savages", did sell arms to converts
and actually used it as a tool for
conversion. There were always enough
converts to guarantee a sufficient
clientele for arms. That the
Iroquois in 1649 were better armed
than the Hurons was not the result
of a no-sell policy of the French,
but of the fact that French prices
for guns were very high.42
The shortest fur trade route between
the Great Lakes region and the
Atlantic Ocean is via the Mohawk and
Hudson rivers and not via the St.
Lawrence, and therefore the French
had to go into the interior to
convince the Hurons to trade via
Quebec. The Hurons preferred to
trade with the Dutch and the French.
Iroquois tribes, such as the Senecas
and the Onondagas, would have
preferred to do so too.43
Therefore French policy was always
aimed at creating discord between
Iroquois and Hurons. Father Caron's
visit to Huronia, for instance, was
such an effort. The Recollet Father
Sagard-Theodat writes naively: "I
had hoped to promote a peace between
the Hurons and the Iroquois, so that
Christianity could be spread among
them, and to open the roads to trade
with many nations which were not
accessible, but some of the members
of the Company advised me that it
was not expedient since if the
Hurons were at peace with the
Iroquois, the same Iroquois would
lead the Hurons to trade with the
Dutch and divert them from Quebec
which is more distant."44
The Dutch were also afraid of trade
diversions. As early as 1634 the
surgeon at Fort Oranje, Harmen
Myndertse van den Bogaert, visited
the Oneidas deep within Iroquois
territory. He reported that there
were "French Indians in their land,
and that they had made a truce
because the Indians wanted to
receive just as much for their skins
as the French Indians did."45
Tough negotiations between the Dutch
and the Oneidas followed, and the
Indians promised that they would
sell beaver skins to the Dutch only.46
However, they fully intended to
continue to trade with the French.
Till the mid 1640's, tribal trade
patterns with the Europeans remained
fairly flexible. Convenient peace
treaties would be signed between
various tribes and the Europeans,
which would be broken just as
conveniently when mutual mistrust
would cause a temporary resumption
of the petite guerre of ambush and
counter ambush.
Thus the Mohawks would come to the
French to "parley" at regular
intervals. They signed a treaty with
Champlain as early as 1624 involving
the Algonquians and as late as 1641
they maintained in Quebec that "they
would give a kick to the Dutch, with
whom they no longer wished to hay-e
an intercourse."47
But nobody took such pronouncements
too seriously.
This situation changed drastically
in 1645. That year the Hurons and
the French once again made peace
with the Iroquois. The next summer a
large flotilla of fur canoes arrived
in Montreal from the interior
unmolested by the Iroquois. In open
breach of the treaty, however, the
Iroquois were not allowed to
participate in the trade.48
Warfare and blockade were promptly
renewed. In 1647, the Hurons made an
aggressive alliance with the
Susquehannocks, situated south of
the Iroquois territory, which
threatened the Iroquois with
encirclement. The 'Iroquois realized
that they would never be allowed to
participate in the St. Lawrence
River fur trade. They did not think
they could defeat the French and did
not want to destroy a potential
supplier of much needed goods. They
thought, however, that they could
defeat the Huron middlemen.
In 1649 they attacked deep into
Huron territory and demoralised the
Hurons to such extent that they
failed to defend themselves properly
and were dispersed.
The Iroquois soon found out,
however, that destroying Huronia was
not enough, as the more remote
tribes, specially the Ottawas,
picked up the trade with the French.
Although the Iroquois launched
attacks upon these more northern
tribes they could not prevent them
from trading down the Ottawa and St.
Lawrence rivers.
IV - Chief Canaqueese: An
Illustration of Mohawk, Dutch and
French Relations
In 1653, some of the Iroquois at
least were again ready for peace
with the French.49
One of the Mohawk chiefs present at
these negotiations was Canaqueese.
His history, however little is known
about it, forms an interesting
illustration of Dutch, Mohawk, and
French relationships with each
Although some of the Dutch, such as
Arent van Curler and Jeremiah van
Rensselaer had a good understanding
of Mohawk aims and aspirations, most
of them regarded the Indians as
"wilder" or savages. This did not,
however, prevent sexual
relationships. Dominie Megapolensis
complained that "our Dutchmen run
after the Indian girls very much."50
Van der Donck claimed that this was
so because Indian women were so
similar to Dutch women: "seldom very
handsome and rarely very ugly."51
(See also: Dutch
Minister Describes the Iroquois)
One result of such a relationship
between a Dutch man and a Mohawk
woman was Jan Smit, who became the
respected Mohawk chief Canaqueese.
He appears first in history in one
of the many letters Marie Guyart,
known as Marie de l'lncarnation,
wrote to her son in France. In this
letter she describes an attack on
Trois Rivieres in 1650.52
In the Spring of 1654, Canaqueese
participated in the negotiation for
a peace settlement with the French.
He brought with him some letters
from Fort Oranje.53
In these letters the Dutch assured
the French "that they now really saw
a disposition for Peace on the part
of the savages allied to them."54
Johannes Dyckman, the "commissary"
of Fort Oranje and Beverwyck, wrote
to de Lauzon in Quebec: "Canaqueese,
the bearer hereof, a savage who is
much loved by the Maquas (Mohawks),
has requested of us a letter of
recommendation to your honour, in
order that he may be well treated
there and be allowed to go and come
freely, which we request hereby."55
This indicated that the Mohawks
considered the recommendation of one
group of Europeans to another to be
important, even though they might be
Canaqueese, as representative of the
Mohawks, was not much in favour of a
peace settlement which was mainly
being pushed by the Onondagas and
the Oneidas.56 He
made a speech clearly stating that
the Mohawks considered themselves to
be the most important members of the
Confederacy and that it would be
better if the French listened to
them instead of to the other
members.57 The
French ignored this, but the Mohawks
did not send envoys to peace talks
later at Onondaga.58
The Jesuits did not like Canaqueese
and referred to him as a "Hollander-
or rather, an execrable issue of
sin, the monstrous offspring of a
Dutch Heretic Father and a Pagan
The main Mohawk aim during the
negotiations was once again to
create a split between the French
and their Indian allies.60
It was the French aim to make sure
that the Mohawks would toe the line
of the other members of the
Confederacy who were better inclined
to the French,61
while hoping also that Mohawk
recalcitrance would make the
Onondagas and Oneidas turn away from
the Mohawks and trade with the
Under these circumstances, it is not
surprising that the treaty collapsed
within a year and Canaqueese was
involved in a number of skirmishes,
all of them efforts to blockade the
fur trade to Montreal.62
In 1658, the Mohawks asked the Dutch
to help them establish a peace with
the French. Although somewhat
unwilling, the Dutch were obliged to
send volunteers.63 As
these peace efforts seem
inconsistent with Mohawk military
activities at the same time, it
indicates a split of opinion within
the Mohawk nation.
A major French counter-attack came
in the Fall of 1665. It was the
direct result of a Mohawk attack
along the Richelieu River, which in
turn had been a response to an
ill-fated French campaign into
Mohawk territory the previous
winter, when de Tracy, who had been
erroneously told that his nephew had
been killed, sent a rescue
operation. The French had met
Canaqueese and a group of Mohawks on
their way to Quebec to return the
captives and to negotiate peace
terms again. And since that time,
Canaqueese, now referred to by the
French as the "Flemish Bastard", had
been held in a sort of open arrest
in Quebec. The French did not
hesitate to put considerable
pressure on Canaqueese and his
group. On the one hand they were
required, with the exception of
Canaqueese, to make snowshoes for
the French, which they knew would be
used against their own people; on
the other hand Canaqueese was
treated with respect by Jean Talon,
while de Tracy gave him a fine suit
of clothing.
When the army was drawn up, ready
to depart, on the 14th of September
1665, Monsieur de Tracy had it pass
before Canaqueese and said to him,
"Now that we are going to your
country, what do you say?" Marie de
l'Incarnation writes: "Tears fell
from the Flemish Bastard's eyes at
seeing such fine troops in such good
array. He replied nevertheless,
'Onontio' - (that is to say, 'great
chief') - 'I clearly see that we are
lost, but our destruction will cost
you dear. Our nation will be no
more, but I warn you that many fine
young men will remain behind, for
ours will fight till the end. l beg
you only to save my wife and
children who are in such and such a
After de Tracy returned from the
campaign, during which they met few
Mohawk warriors, but did serious
harm to Mohawk villages and crops,
he sent Canaqueese back"in search of
his fugitive people, with the
mandate to tell them that if they
stirred again he would go back to
see them and this time they would
not get off so lightly."65
During that winter many more
Mohawks, women and children, died of
starvation than whites would be
killed during the raid on Lachine
that was to follow.
The history of Canaqueese shows
direct and indirect Dutch
cooperation with both Mohawks and
French. Some French captured by the
Mohawks were ransomed by the Dutch,
such as Father Jogues and Radisson.
During the negotiation of 1653 and
1654, de Lauzon and Dyckman
corresponded with each other.66
Dutch-French cooperation existed
also on the illegal level. Coureurs
de bois, dissatisfied with their
employers in Montreal, and attracted
by better Dutch and English trade
goods, found their way to Fort
Oranje and later to Albany.
Officials of New France sometimes
took them in for questioning, but on
the whole they seem to have come and
gone freely, and some even settled
near Albany.67
Marie de l'lncarnation mentions in a
letter of October 1658 that there
was considerable trade between the
French and the Dutch that year.68
She might, however, have been
talking about overseas trade, as
much of the trade between New France
and France was in Dutch hands.69
Grouix estimates that the illegal
trade during the government of Talon
amounted to 1,200,000 pound value of
beaver sold yearly on the markets of
Fort Oranje and Boston.70
The explorer La Salle began his
famous expedition down the
Mississippi in 1678 from Albany.71
Later, after the treaty of Utrecht,
the traders in Albany found it often
more profitable and less trouble to
sell trade goods to the French and
let the coureurs de bois distribute
them to the Indians in the interior.72
In the context of Canaqueese's
history, it is interesting to note
what Nash writes in reference to
Indian leaders in other parts of
North America. He claims that the
male offspring of Indian mothers and
white fathers were often leaders of
their tribes, and remained in almost
all cases within the Indian society.
Of all Indians, they were the most
alienated from white society, the
result of the fact that their white
father left them "like bulls or
bears to be provided for at random
by their mothers" and "some of these
bastards have been the leading men
or war captains that have done us so
much mischief", as one Virginian
settler wrote.73
There is a small postscript to
Canaqueese's history. According to
the Jesuit Relations, he settled
later in Caughnawaga near Montreal
together with several other members
of his tribe, where they came to be
known as the "praying Indians".74
Later he accompanied Denonville in
his campaign against the Senecas in
1687 as the leader of 150 Christian
Indians.75 He had
thus not only turned against the
Dutch but against his own tribe and
the Confederacy.
V - Decline of the Dutch and
Iroquois Position
The 1660's were an important decade
in North America. Not only had the
French launched their first major
counter attack against the Mohawks,
but the Dutch colony of New
Netherland had been conquered by the
British in 1664 and had been renamed
New York. For the Dutch in Fort
Oranje, now Albany, the situation
did not change much as the British
followed a similar policy toward the
Indians and the French as the Dutch.
Neglect and misunderstandings
between Albany and New York were
similar to those between Fort Oranje
and New Amsterdam. The British
welcomed the peace of 1667, but the
Dutch in Albany, as always, feared
that peace would divert trade. It
was to discuss trade relations with
the French that Arent van Curler
went to Quebec in 1667, although the
supposed aim of his trip was to
receive a reward from the French for
what he had done for them in
Schenectady earlier in the decade.
He never got to Quebec, as he
drowned in Lake Champlain under
somewhat mysterious and disputed

All during these decades tribal wars
were fought for economic gain and
alliances changed when it seemed
opportune to do sot The Senecas came
under considerable pressure from the
Susquehannocks and the French.77
The Onondagas and Oneidas continued
to establish better relations with
the French against the wishes of the
Mohawks, but were betrayed by the
Deonondadies who had appeared
suddenly in Michilimackinack in
1686, and who were interested in
establishing trade relations with
the Dutch. The Deonondadies followed
the old political pattern of trying
to create discord. Peace efforts
between the Onondagas, the Oneidas
and the French did not suit them, as
this would block their trade with
the Dutch. War between the Iroquois
and the French78
would, however, tee advantageous.
They therefore convinced the
Iroquois that the French were really
plotting against them. The Iroquois
attacked Lachine in response. As a
result the Ottawas, impressed with
Iroquois ferocity, deserted the
French temporarily, and again trade
came to a virtual standstill.79
Thus the first Dutch effort to trade
directly with the Indians in the
interior was directly interwoven
with inter-tribal schemes and the
safety of the settlers on the island
of Montreal.
These wars were never based on
tribal linguistic relations. Hurons
could cooperate fully with
Algonquians and fight other
Iroquois. They could even cooperate
with Oneidas and fight Mohawks. It
was, however, always a war between
hunters and hunters, and between
traders and traders, never between
hunters and traders.80
Toward the end of the seventeenth
century, the dependence on Albany
began to have serious disadvantages
for the Iroquois. The one market at
Fort Oranje had never fully
satisfied them even in the earlier
years, and they had always tried to
trade with the French as well.
They also realized that the British
and the Dutch were letting them
fight on behalf of European
interests without giving them
sufficient military support. As a
result of their aggressive and
jealous guarding of their trade
positions, the Mohawks had also
manipulated themselves into a
position in which they had
antagonised many of the surrounding
tribes, including the other members
of the Confederacy.
French encroachment into the
interior, only temporarily slowed
down by the infighting between
LaSalle and Lefebvre La Barre,
strengthened the French position and
the Iroquois had to accept the fact
that they would never effectively
blockade the fur trade routes to
Montreal. The Iroquois had nowhere
to run anymore,81
In 1668 they simultaneously
negotiated in Albany and in
Montreal, trying to secure support
from the Dutch merchants and the
British colonial government, while
attempting to come to terms with the
French.82 Although
temporarily successful, the petite
guerre soon erupted again.
This time the French used Indian
methods in their attack on Albany.
But the undisciplined forces of the
French only succeeded in destroying
Schenectady in 1689. The campaign by
Major Schuyler of Albany in 1690
against the French failed due to
lack of money and commitment, and in
the end the Mohawks had to do most
of the fighting in the raid on La
Prairie de Magdalene.83
The last military involvement of the
Dutch in Albany came in 1709 when a
conflict broke out over a French
trading post among the Onondagas,
too close to Dutch home territory.
The post was destroyed by the Dutch
under Schuyler with a party of
Mohawks. But a larger campaign
scheduled for 1711 came to nothing
and never went beyond the head of
Lake Champlain.
The role of the Dutch on the front
lines of the conflict had ended.
When the final conflict between the
British and French was played out
during the French and Indian Wars
(1754-63) the Dutch would fulfil the
role of suppliers to the redcoat
army. They made considerable
profits, but also saw the first
influx of English speaking settlers,
who would ultimately take over.84
The final relationship between the
Dutch and Mohawks would come during
the Revolutionary War when the
Iroquois under Joseph Brant returned
to their ancestral lands from Canada
to ravage the Mohawk valley in 1780.85
Vl - Conclusion
The Dutch influence in the Iroquois
wars was thus indirect. They
supplied the goods and weapons, the
Mohawks did the policy-making and
most of the fighting.
There was never any real plan of
attack by the Dutch to displace the
French in the North American fur
trade. It was a war between the
Iroquois and the other Indian tribes
and between the Iroquois and the
Only during the revolt by Leister
did some of the Dutch colonists in
New York think in terms of any
"design" of eliminating French rule.
But Leister did not have enough
support and thought in terms of a
"grand alliance" in the European
tradition of the time,
underestimating the peculiarities of
the geographic environment.
The main policy of the fur traders
in Fort Oranje, and later Albany,
was to maintain as much trade with
as many parties as possible,
including French coureurs de bois.
To maintain trade, the Dutch had to
accept Mohawk dominance of the fur
trade and the reality of arms
trading, however dangerous that was
considered to be.
The Dutch stayed aloof from the
Indians. They did not proselytise to
any extent and did not in large
numbers mix with the Indian
population. Their role in North
America was as a catalyst in an
already existing framework of
inter-tribal conflicts and their
particular relationships with the
Iroquois were of necessity and not
of design. Faced with Mohawk
supremacy, they made the best of it.
They were not involved in grand
plots to disrupt the French fur
trade through constant Indian wars,
which affected Dutch fur trade as
badly as the French. Rather, they
were powerless to do much about it.
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1 Hart, "The
Prehistory of the New Netherland
Company", pp.13-15, as quoted by
George L. Smith, Religion and Trade
in New Netherland, p.143
2 Van Claef Bachman,
Peltries or Plantations, p. 3.
3 W.M. Williamson,
Adriaan Block, passim.
4 Bachman, 15.
5 Smith, 147.
7 Arnold J.F. Van
Laer, ed. Van Rensselaer Bowier
Manuscripts, 433.
8 Bachman, 12.
9 Ibid.
10 Oliver A. Rink.
"Company Management or Private
Trade". New York History, 59(11),
1978, 5-26.
11 Henri and
Barbara Van der Zee. A Sweet and
Alien Land, 11.
12 Ibid, 204
13 Jesuit Relations
and Allied Documents.
14 Eva M. Gardner.
"The Van Rensselaers of the
Seventeenth Century." De Halve Maen,
Winter 1978, 4, 3.
15 Herbert L.
Osgood. The American Colonies in the
Seventeenth Century. Volume Il: The
Chartered Colonies, Beginnings of
Self-Government, 120-125, 95.
16 Thomas
Grassmann. The Mohawk Indians and
Their Valley, being a chronological
documentary record to the end of
1693, 234-236, quoting Calendar of
Historical Manuscripts, ed. E. B.
O'Callaghan, D-225, 226, 36.
17 E.B.
O'Callaghan, ed. Documents Relative
to the Colonial History of the State
of New York, vol. III,43-44, quoting
"Description and First Settlement of
New Netherland". From Wassenaer's
Historica van Europa,
18 Grassmann, 38.
19 Ibid, 279,
quoting H.P. Biggar, ed., The Works
of Samuel de Champlain, 96.
20 Bruce G.
Trigger. "The Mohawk-Mahican War
(1624 28) The Establishment of a
Pattern." The Canadian Historical
Review, LII, 3, September 1971, 278.
21 Jeremias van
Rensselaer. The Correspondence of
Jeremias van Rensselaer, 220, 227.
22 Ibid., 449.
23 lbid., 327.
24 Allen W.
Trealease. Indian Affairs In
Colonial New York, 115.
25 Francis Parkman.
The Jesuits in North America,
26 Marcel Trudel.
The Beginnings of New France,
1524-1663, 146-147.
27 Jesuit
Relations, 41:133, 135, 201, 203;
JR: 43, 139.
28 Jeremias van
Rensselaer, 21.
29 George T. Hunt.
The Wars of the Iroquois, 8.
30 Hunt,165
31 O'Callaghan,
111, 33, 43.
32 Hunt, 166-167.
33 Van Laer, RBMM,
34 Jesuit
Relations, 21: 350-7 and 22:269
35 Ibid., 29:30.
36 lbid., 24:305.
37 Grassmann, 91.
38 Ibid., 168,
quoting CHM - D,135, 215.
39 0'Callaghan,
Xl11, 35.
40 Ibid.,
41 Van Laer, RBMM,
553. See also O'Callaghan, Xll,
42 Hunt, 174.
43 Jesuit
Relations, 21:51~59.
44 Trudel, 226.
45 Hunt, 70,
quoting Sagard: Histoire du Canada,
III, 811. See also Donald Creighton,
Dominion of the North, 28-29.
46 Codman Hislop,
The Mohawk, 48
47 Ibid., 60-61.
48 Hunt, 83.
49 Jesuit
Relations, 40: 89, 91.
50 van der Zee,
51 Ibid., 106-107
52 Jesuit
Relations, 35:211 -213.
53 Ibid.,41 :85-87.
54 Ibid., 41:87.
55 Grassmann,
56 Jesuit
Relations, 40:89.
57 Ibid., 41:85.
58 Joyce Marshall,
ed., Word from New France. The
Selected Letters of Marie de
l'lncarnation, 402. See also Hunt,
59 Jesuit
Relations, 35:213.
60 Ibid.,41 :55,
61 Ibid., 41:61
63 Ibid.,
44:103,105. See also Grassmann,
190-191, quoting from the Court
Minutes of Fort Orange and Beverwyck
1652-1656, edited by A.J.F. Van
64 Marshall,
65 Ibid., 327. See
also Jesult Relatlons 50:205,209.
66 Grassmann,
67 Alice P. Kenny.
Stubborn for Liberty. The Dutch In
New York, 61
68 Marshall, 234.
69 W.J. Eccles. The
Canadian Frontier, 8ff.
70 Jean Hamelin.
Economie et Société en Nouvelle
France, 48.
71 Kenny, 73.
72 Ibid.
73 Gary B. Nash,
Red, White, and Black: the peoples
of early America, 283.
74 Jesuit
Relations, 35:292.
75 Grassmann, 446,
quoting British State Papers
1685-88: 425, no. 1416 and New York
State Documents, 3:433-436.
76 Cadwallader
Colden. The History of the Five
Indian Nations, 18. See also:
Jeremias van Rensselaer, 391 and
Koert D. Burnham, "Arent van Curler,
Alias Corlaer." De Halve Maen,
Spring 1978,1,7-8.
77 Ibid.
78 Grassmann,
452-454, quoting NYD 3:436-438 and
BSP: 1685-88: 431-432 no.1428.
79 Colden, 70-72.
80 Hunt, 21.
81 Lawrence H.
Leder, ed., The Livingston Indian
Records 1 666-1723, 128.
82 Grassmann,
466-470, quoting NYD 3:557-561, BSP
1685-88, 559 no. 18961x, CHM- E:
172, no. 172,173, 174,181.
83 O'CalIaghan, IV,
84 Kenny,183- 142.
85 lbid., 169-172.
The Dutch in the Hudson River
Dutch Colonies
Dutch in Dutchess County
Mohawk Dutch and the Palatines
Olive Tree Genealogy: New
Netherland/New York Genealogy
Minister Describes the Iroquois
Native Americans in the Hudson
River Valley
of the Lower Hudson Valley
of the Delaware Indians
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in a Name?
were the Pocumtuc Indians?