The purpose of
this short description of Samuel Holland's
years in The Netherlands is to set straight a
few misconceptions, specially that of his
place of birth, which is on many web sites,
still incorrectly given as Nijmegen. The
research for this was done by my wife Janny
Lowensteyn, shortly before her death in 1996.
Samuel Johannes Holland was baptized on 22
September 1729 in the small Lutheran
Church in the Dutch town of Deventer
in the Province of Overijssel.
The city then had a population of about 7000
(today 95.600). He was the son of Johan (Jan)
Holland and Johanna (Janna) Buiker. Besides the
parents, his grandmother Maria Elizabeth
Holland, nee Weemhof was also present.1
The name Samuel was a traditional one in the
Holland family as the newly baptized infant had
at least an uncle, two first cousins, a
grandfather and a great-grandfather of the same
name. Descendants kept the name going till
today.The great-grandfather had been baptized at
Strasbourg in 1606, had earned a doctorate, been
ordained a Lutheran pastor and served as such at
three places in Baden (Friesenheim,
and Ihringen)
before returning to Strasbourg,
where he died around 1676. The grandfather, the
pastors eldest son, was born in Friesenheim
before 1654 and moved as a young man to Utrecht,
where he married eighteen-year old Maria
Elizabeth Weemhof in 1677. Between 1684 and 1687
the family moved to Deventer.2
They seem to have had as many as fourteen
children, of whom Johan, baptized at Deventer in
1701, was the last-born. Grandfather Samuel was
a fairly prosperous citizen of Utrecht and later
of Deventer where he died in 1701. His
occupation in Utrecht was “vellenploter”
(tanner) and in Deventer it was “velbereijder”
which was part of the profession of
“seemsbereijders”, the fabrication of
chamois-leather. He probably owned some property
in the Spinhuissteeg,
close to the small Lutheran Church of which he
was an important elder. This was an historically
interesting part of Deventer. By the end of the
Middle Ages the area was full of convents and
religious institutions, but by the middle of the
18th century much had already changed. By the
end of World War II most was destroyed during a
bombardment and the rest was torn down to make
room for urban renewal.
Grandfather Samuel's daughter Margaretha married
a Lutheran pastor; his daughter Maria Magdalena
a Johan Diedrich Martfeldt, who may well have
been related to the brothers Joseph August and
Johan Frederik Martfeldt, lieutenant-colonels of
artillery. The former was to be the young
Samuel’s commanding officer from 1745 to 1754.
Occupations of Samuel Holland’s uncles and aunts
include a church organist, several military men
and mayor. Adolf became mayor of Medemblik,
a Zuiderzee
port north of Amsterdam.
Adolf was clearly the star of the family and his
descendants include the distinguished
Rear-Admiral Adolf Holland (1764-1829) and
Major-General Adolf Holland (1854-1939).
Samuel Johannes had one sister, Maria Elisabeth,
baptized at Deventer on 24 September 1734.2a
Johan Holland, the father, died young in 1734
and it is possible that the mother Janna died
young as well, as family tradition has it that
Samuel Johannes was brought up by two aunts.3
After the father's death, the magistrates of
Deventer appointed on 7 December 1734 two
guardians for the underage children of Janna
Buikers and the late Jan Holland which seems to
imply that the widow was still living. Male
guardians had to be appointed by the
municipality, presumably because a mere
(unemancipated) woman could not, alone, protect
the childrens' interests.4
Neither this document nor the one dated 10
December 1734, listing the inventory of the
household of Janna Buikers, states that she was
deceased. The
of Jan Holland's estate, including the shop, was
carried out at her behest for the knowledge of
the childfren. As a widow Janna Buikers operated
a hat shop. There is a complete inventory of her
belongings, including the stock remaining in her
shop in a notarial document held by the Deventer
municipal archives.5
Samuel Holland presumably had an elementary and
some secondary education, either obtained at
schools or privately, before entering the Dutch
artillery as a cadet in 1745. His name has not
been found on lists of the various Latin
The social status of his family was such that he
was destined to become an officer. He chose the
“learned arms”, not the infantry or cavalry
where wealth and social position counted for
much, but in the artillery which, in the Dutch
army of those days, included military
engineering. Here Samuel Holland was taught
mathematics and other related disciplines
necessary for gunnery and the building of
fortifications. The latter, both “permanent” and
“field”, included construction, attack, defence,
and demolition. It was not only the making of
precise plans that were important to the
training of a military engineer, but also
surveying of the ground, and mapping,
disciplines in which Samuel Holland came to
On 28 December 1747, Samuel was appointed6
(starting 5 February 1748) "extra-ordinaris
meester-vuurwerker" in the Corps Artillery in
the Company of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph August
Martfelt with the rank of sub-lieutenant.7
A "vuurwerker" was a military expert in
explosives and they were appointed only after
passing an examination. The job required much
technical know-how and experience. Earlier, he
was probably involved in military engagements in
the Austrian Netherlands (Belgium) and the
southern Netherlands. This was the war of the
Austrian Succession which found Austria and
England on one side with Prussia and France on
the other side. France invaded the Austrian
Netherlands and the defences manned by a
combination of British, Austrian, Hessian and
Hannoverian troops, fell one after another, into
French hands. The Dutch were persuaded by
England to commit troops and the Republic found
itself embroiled in the conflict. By the end of
1746, the French troops were at the border of
the Dutch Republic. The Dutch rejected a
compromise offered by the French, a bad
decisions as French troops now invaded the
Netherlands. One of the places of conflict was
at the fortress at Hulst
(in Dutch)on the banks of the river Scheldt
where cadet Holland was among the defenders.8
French troops also besieged Bergen
op Zoom, where Holland was also one of the
In both cases the towns had to be surrendered to
the French. During those engagements, as well as
the one at 's
Hertogenbosch and Nijmegen, Holland was
able to demonstrate his skills as a cartographer
as is shown in a number of superior maps in
Netherlands archives.
On 31 August 1749 he married in Neerbosch,
now part of Nijmegen,
Geertruy Hassé (Hasse) from Hulst
(Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen), date of registry is 10
August 1749.10
On 24 June 1750, a baby daughter, Johanna
Christina, was baptized in Nijmegen, The fact
that the baby was not mentioned subsequently in
official requests for financial support
implies that the child died in infancy.11
On 22 February 1748, Abraham Hassé (Hasse,
Hassée), born 1722, was appointed by the Council
of State as ordinaris meester-vuurwerker
(master pyrotechnician) in the company of
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph August Martfeldt.12
Since 4 December 1747, he held the
rank of ordinaris luitenant
(lieutenant). Given his function, he must have
worked very closely with Holland. Abraham
ultimately attained the rank of lieutenant
The other brother Johannes Ernestus was also
a vuurwerker in the army. Whether Holland
actually learned his skills in the fields of
mathematics and fortifications from both the
Hassé brothers, as Geertruy claimed in her
request cannot be ascertained. In their
capacities they were presumably much at home
in mathematics. Cartography was in any event
not taught in the artillery. Where Holland
studied this subject is not known.14
During the period 1735 - circa 1750, those
wishing to become a sublieutenant or extraordinaris
vuurwerker with the artillery were obliged to
sit an examination... Certainly in the period
1747-1750, standards for this examination were
not high; this made it easier to recruit new
personnel, the requirement for which was
considerable because of the expansion of the
artillery. For the same reason, the
examination was even scrapped around 1750. No
high standards would have been set for drawing
skills. 15
For the next four years Holland continued to
serve in Martfeldt's company where his
engineering and cartographic skills must have
come to the attention of the Duke
of Richmond when he was touring the
battlefields of the Low Countries with his
military tutor, Guy
Carleton. Not having a great future to
look forward to in the poorly paid and small
Dutch artillery forces, he joined in 1754 the
British forces being prepared for a major
campaign in North America. Comments made in
Geertruy's later request for financial support,
suggest that the marriage had soured and that
Holland had been less than faithful. So there
were no economic nor personal reasons to stay in
the Netherlands. To the contrary, Dutch
engineers were highly valued in the British army
and with the support of high-born patrons like
Richmond, the career opportunities for Holland
looked good.
Footnotes (click on the number of the
footnote to return to the text)
1. |
De Nederlandsche Leeuw, 1977, column
Click on image for
For further information on the genealogy
of the ancestors and Dutch relatives of
Samuel Johannes Holland see De
voorouders en Nederlandse verwanten
van Samuel Johannes Holland
(in Dutch)
2. |
De Nederlandsche Leeuw, 1977, columns
409-412. This source implies without
undisputable evidence, that the
Strasbourg tailor and burgher Georg(e)
or Jörg Holst(t) , who was born at
Ippischburg or Eppisburg
near Dillingen
on the Danube, was married at Strasbourg
in 1598 to Catherina Bolich or Boley,
and died in 1648, was the father of
Samuel Holland(t), the great-grandfather
of our subject .
2a. |
She married in Paramaribo on 8 June
1760 with Michiel Hendrik Lesser, age:
25, born: Hamburg, religion: Lutheran
Bans: Paramaribo - Ondertrouwboek
Non-Conformisten/nr 171
23 Mei 1760
3. |
Willis Chipman, "The Life and Times of
Major Samuel Holland, Surveyor-General,
1764-1801," Ontario Historical Society Papers
and Records XXI, p. 13.
4. |
Deventer Archives: Voogdijstellingen
(Guardianship Appointments) 1657-1798,
nr. 109-c/Ov/p.98, 7 december 1734 -
"Tot memberen over de onmondige kinderen
van Janna Buikers bij wijlen Jan Holland
in egte geteeld, hebben Schepenen en
Raden bij deesen aangesteld Jan Beekman
en Garrit Houwen. Actum in Senatu, den 7
December 1734" (The Megistrates and
Council have hereby appointed Jan
Beekman and Garrit Houwen as guardians
over the under-aged children of Janna
Buikers born in marriage to the late
Jan Holland. Actum in Senatu, December
7, 1734)
5. |
Deventer Archives: Boedelinventaris
(Inventory of Household Goods)
1518-1811, I, #143-d/pp. 759-765, 10
december 1734
6. |
Algemeen Rijksarchief, Den Haag (ARA),
archief Raad van State tot 1795,
inventarisatienummer 1538; commissieboek
over de jaren 1735-1748, folio 220)
7. |
Algemeen Rijksarchief, Den Haag (ARA),
bibliotheek, Naem-Register der Militaire
Officieren(...) / Register van alle
Regimenten in dienst van de staat (...)
april 1750-1754. Holland's appointment
is connected to the formation during the
month of december 1747 of three new
artillery companies (F.W.H Kuypers, Geschiedenis
der Nederlansche artillerie van af de
vroegste tijden tot op heden. III,
8. |
Chipman, loc.cit.; Kuypers, F.W.H.,
III, p. 100.
9. |
After a siege of two months, the
fortress of Bergen op Zoom falls into
French hands on September 16th, 1747.
Earlier that year, the French had
already occupied Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. On
July 12th, they had appeared under the
command of Generaal U.F.W. Count von
Löwenthal. The quick surrender of the
fortress illustrates the poor state of
the Republican army and fortifications.
Bergen op Zoom was defended by the
86-year old I.K. Baron Cronström, who
was no longer cut out for the task. The
Estates-General of the Dutch Republic
now made more funds available for the
war, but very quickly the opinion took
hold that it was better to conclude a
peace with France to prevent further
(Bergen op Zoom als militaire stad {Bergen
op Zoom as a Militairy City} is a
publication of the IMG/KL - Institute
for Militairy History of the Dutch
Army) -
Source: Val van Bergen op Zoom
August Graaf van Praetorius
Generaal Commandant der Vesting Bergen
op Zoom in 1747. (The Vinkhuijzen
collection of military uniforms -
Netherlands, 1714-1748.)
Marquisate of Bergen op Zoom
10. |
Nijmegen, Gemeentearchief: Retroacta
burgerlijke stand 1179. The sole witness
was Johan Ernestus Hasse, one of the
bride's brothers. Copy
of marriage certificate
11. |
Two witnesses were present at the
baptism, namely Abraham Hasse and
Christina Scholte, widow Hasse, source
baptism register Reformed municipality
of Nijmegen 1721-1767. Although it is
not mentioned in the source it can be
assumed that these witnesses were a
second brother and the mother of
Geertruy Hassé (Hasse).
Algemeen Rijksarchief, Den Haag (ARA):
Extract uit het Register der Resolutien
van de Ho: Mo: Heeren Staaten Generaal
der Vereenigde Nederlanden. Mercurie den
16e april 1766
Algemeen Rijksarchief, Den Haag (ARA):
Eerste Afdeling, Staten Generaal, no.
7890. Januari 1769, Lias:
Requesten/October 29. 3821
Because payments had stopped in 1782,
Geertruy Hassé sent a petition to Lord
Sydney in London, which arrived on 13
July 1784. (Colonial Office 42, vol. 16,
p. 259). Richard Cumberland, Holland's
personal agent in London declared,
however, that he no longer had any
control over the funds of Samuel
Holland. The payment stoppage probably
had to do with the fact that Holland had
obtained a judicial judgement in New
Hampshire stating that his marriage to
Marie-Joseph Rollet was legal.
12. |
General Public Records Office, The
Hague, Council of State archive,
inventory number1538, folio 222)
Uniforms during the time Samuel
Holland was in the Regiment of
Joseph A. Martfeldt
The Regiment of Joseph
A.Martfeldt moved around the various
garrison towns of the Dutch Republic as
is shown by the dates and places listed
below. There was also a Joseph
A.Martfeldt Jr., but most of the dates
are in 1770-1800 range, although Joseph
A.Martfeldt is also listed in that
period. I presume those refer to the
junior as well.
Source: Garnizoensplaatsen tot 1795:
Arnhem Rgt.Art. (Cie Johan
Blankenstein/Joseph A.Martfeldt) 1737,
Breevoort Rgt.Art. (Cie Johan
Blankenstein/Joseph A.Martfeldt) 1737,
Doesburg Rgt.Art. (Cie Johan
Blankenstein/Joseph A.Martfeldt) 1737,
Grave Rgt.Art. (Cie Johan
Blankenstein/Joseph A.Martfeldt) 1737,
's Hertogenbosch Rgt.Art. (Cie Joseph
August Martfeldt) 1753, 1768
Heusden Rgt.Art. (Cie Joseph August
Martfeldt) 1753, 1768
Nijmegen Rgt.Art. (Cie Joseph August
Martfeldt) 1751, 1753
Sint Andries Rgt.Art. (Cie Johan
Blankenstein/Joseph A.Martfeldt) 1737,
Venlo Rgt.Art. (Cie Johan
Blankenstein/Joseph A.Martfeldt) 1737,
Zutphen Rgt.Art. (Cie Johan
Blankenstein/Joseph A.Martfeldt) 1737,
However, the list does not mention the
Regiment of Joseph A.Martfeldt as being
present in either Hulst or Bergen op
Zoom in the fateful year of 1747.
Abraham Hasse must have gotten his own
regiment in the early 1780's as is
indicated by the list below:
Bergen op Zoom Rgt.Art. (Cie Anthony F.
Zahling/Abraham Hasse) 1780, 1785
Breda Rgt.Art. (Abraham Hasse) 1785,
Geertruidenberg Rgt.Art. (Abraham Hasse)
1785, 1789
Heusden Rgt.Art. (Abraham Hasse) 1784,
Klundert Rgt.Art. (Abraham Hasse) 1784,
Leeuwarden Rgt.Art. (Abraham Hasse/2e
Cie 3e Bat) 1792, 1794
Lillo Rgt.Art. (Cie Anthony F.
Zahling/Abraham Hasse) 1780, 1785
Sint Andries Rgt.Art. (Abraham Hasse)
1784, 1789
Willemstad Rgt.Art. (Abraham Hasse)
1784, 1789
Zwolle Rgt.Art. (Abraham Hasse/2eCie
3eBat/3eCie 2eBat) 1794 -
Source: Garnizoensplaatsen tot 1795:
13. |
Officers Booklets; General Public
Records Office, Council of State
archive, inventory number 1947.
14. |
Letter: Drs. P.H. Kamphuis, Head,
Military History Section, Royal
Netherlands Army, dd. 14 November 1995,
ref. #2225/1917/8/95
Hollandt, S.J.: Tekenaar.
Onder-luitenant artillerie (1752 en
1755). Kaarten: Nijmegen e.o. (samen met
H.J. van Suchtelen), 1752;
's-Hertogenbosch, 1755. Repertorium van
Nederlandse kaartmakers 1500-1900,
samengesteld door Marijke Donkersloot-de
Vrij, Utrecht, 2003, (Repertory of
Dutch Map Makers, 1500-1900, compiled
by Marijke Donkersloot-de Vrij,
Utrecht, 2003),
p. 92
15. |
Letter: Kamphuis, 24 January 1996, ref.
# 108/8/96. The details in the letter
were obtained from J.A.M.M. Janssen, Op
weg naar Breda. The opleiding van
officieren voor het Nederlandse leger
tot aan de oprichting van de Koninklijke
Militaire Academie in
1828 [On the Road to Breda.
Training of Officers for the Dutch Army
prior to the Founding of the Royal
Military Academy in 1828], (The Hague,
1989: Military History Section Series,
no. 19; University of Nijmegen
on Samuel Holland - Links to
his life in North America
Views of
The following maps are scans from facsimile
publications of the Blaeu's Toonneel der
Steden from 1652, a century before
Samuel Holland's time in The Netherlands.
Although the towns expanded somewhat, their
fortifications remained more or less the same.
Maps by Samuel Holland on the Internet
- Map
of Nijmegen, 1758 from
- Map
of Prince Edward Island by Samuel Holland
- Historical
Map: 1802 A New Map of the Province of Lower
Canada (Samuel Holland) -
great reproduction!
- Samuel
Holland Topographical Map of New Hampshire,
- A
new map of the province of Lower Canada
Describing all the Seigneures,
Townships, Grants of Land, &c. Compiled
from Plans deposited in the Patent Office
Quebec By Samuel Holland, Esqr. Surveyor
- The
provinces of New York, and New Jersey;
with part of Pensilvania, and the
governments of Trois Rivières, and
Montreal: Drawn by Capt. Holland.
Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, geographer to
His Majesty.
- Detail
from 1829 Map of Québec: Kamouraska,
Témiscouata Portage, and Madawaska
Settlements by Samuel Holland (Surveyed in
1796, 1797, and 1798,)
- A
plan of Fort Montgomery & Fort Clinton,
taken by His Majesty's forces, under the
command of Maj. Genl. Sir Henry Clinton, K.B.
/ survey'd by Major Holland, Survr. Genl.
- The
seat of action between the British and
American forces, or An authentic plan of
the western part of Long Island, with the
engagement of the 27th August 1776 between the
King[']s forces andthe Americans : containing
also Staten Island, and the environs of Amboy
and New York, with the course of Hudsons
River, from Courtland, the great magazine of
the American Army, to Sandy Hook.
Partial Family
Other Links